Hold it in your hand, then right click on the side of an already placed block. In order to make a functional tripwire, you must place another hook on an adjacent block and connect them with string.
you put wooden plank in the bottom a stick in the middle and iron at the top
well the hook in a crafting table is wooden planks at the bottom a stick in the middle and a iron ingot in the middle and the tripwire its self is just string right-hand clicked in a surface
No one knows about that yet (except for Notch and his employes). The update hasn't even come out yet.
The enchantment lure increases the rate of fish biting your hook.
If you have the right bait type for that rod in your inventory, it will bait and cast. Tubescraft
you put wooden plank in the bottom a stick in the middle and iron at the top
well the hook in a crafting table is wooden planks at the bottom a stick in the middle and a iron ingot in the middle and the tripwire its self is just string right-hand clicked in a surface
Crafting a tripwire hook can be found here digminecraft.com/mechanism_recipes/images/make_tripwire_hook.png Tripwire can be placed by right clicking string
Just get yourself in creative get a tripwire and a string. Place 2 tripwire to a block and place the string in/near the tripwire. Then place a redstone near any tripwire to any contraption. And if someone get in the tripwire he will activate the redstone and activate any contraption you build. Or just see it in youtube
String tripwire cord and Gunpowder!
you put wooden plank in the bottom a stick in the middle and iron at the top
Place two Tripwire Hooks on blocks facing each other. The distance between them has to be more than three blocks but less than eighteen blocks, then you must place string between the two hooks, filling every space between them..
No one knows about that yet (except for Notch and his employes). The update hasn't even come out yet.
Tripwire - company - was created in 1997.
Tripwire Interactive was created in 2005.
Tripwire - film - was created in 1990.