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In order to use a Thurible/Censer you must first make sure you have all materials. NOTE: Have a good solid flame retardant work surface. 1.Thurible(chains or handle) 2.Vessel with water for the latter extinguishing of the charcoal. 3.metal tongs as a holding devise for the charcoal. 4.charcoal disks or bricks best from 3 kings company. 5. 1 lit tapper candle for the lighting. 6. A good quality and quantity of resin or granular incense, I recommend sweet fragrance such as Frankincense, Sandalwood, Clove, Vanilla, Spiritual etc....Or "Cathedral" brand incense made especially for churches(A M Religious Gifts). 7. A vessel for holding incense.

First remove the lid from the censer. Make sure there is an insert able pan or a bed of sand in the base of the vessel. Hold the charcoal with the tongs and hold it to the candle flame so that it lights the edge of the coal. The charcoal will start to spark hold it their until you see the very edge of it glowing red and a little bit of smoke will be in the air but not much at all. For larger censers for cathedrals and big churches,you may need to add three to five disks as their will be more incense burning.

Insert the coal into the censer, and let it set for a moment till you see the edge were you lit turning white. Next lower the lid and grasp the second ring at the top of the the plate were the chains are attached. Carry the censer along with a bowl or vessel containing your granular incense, to were you want to burn the incense. Raise the lid, and using your small spoon put three scopes of incense onto the charcoal. Sweet smelling smoke will rise and fragrance will fill the air. Lower the lid and the smoke will billow from the holes in the lid of your censer. Hang the censer from somwhere or set it on a table or flameproof surface and drape the chains behinde it. Of course if you want to spread the fragrance evenly or very rich in a sertain area you can carry it around with you, or grasp it and gently sway or swing it. Afterwords take each coal even if it is almoast out and put it in the vessel of water and make sure it is fully extenguished. That is how to use a censer.

While used as aromatheropy and just a nice decor or novelty item, remember the smoke of the incense is a symbol of peace, harmony, joy and prayers rising to God(Exodus Ch. 30 and Revelation Ch. 8 of the King James Version Bible). May we all always be in prayer and thankfullness to God. Amen!

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Q: How do you use a thurible?
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When do priests use a thurible?

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It is a thurible. A thurible is a metal censer suspended from chains, in which incense is burned during worship services.

What is a thurible?

Roman Catholic AnswerA thurible is a censer or vessel in which incense is burned. It is made up of a cup to hold the incense and charcoal, a lid with holes, and chains to swing it, and to hold the lid on. A thurifer is a cleric or altar server who is in charge of the thurible.

What does the pope shake that smokes in the ceremony?

It is called a thurible. A thurible is a metal censer suspended from chains, in which incense is burned during worship services.

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Cense, To spread incense.

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What is the thing called that priest swings?

It is called a "thurible" or "censer."

What is a church incense burner called?

The metal container which contains blessed incense in the Catholic Church is called a thurible. Generally, it hangs from a chain, and is swung back and forth to release the smoke from the incense It is used at the beginning of the Mass for the procession, or during Eucharistic Adoration, among other thingsThe metal container which contains blessed incense in the Catholic Church is called a thurible. Generally, it hangs from a chain, and is swung back and forth to release the smoke from the incense It is used at the beginning of the Mass for the procession, or during Eucharistic Adoration, among other things

What is a smoking vessel used in the Catholic Church?

It is a thurible and used to burn incense.

What date was the thurible made?

The thurible(lid,holes,certain design,nice color) was introduced in the early years of Catholicism. But the censer(any brass,stone,or solid vessel used to burn incense) has existed since ancient times whether it be carried by a handle or suspended from a chain.

What is the metal container used to burn incense during worship called?

A typical censer is a small metal or stone dish used for burning incense, often on small legs. In many cultures, burning incense has spiritual and religious connotations, and this influences the design and decoration of the censer. Designs vary from simple, earthenware bowls to intricately carved silver or gold vessels.In the Roman Catholic, Anglo-Catholic, Old Catholic, and some other Churches, a censer is often called a thurible, and used during important offices (benedictions, processions, important masses). A common design for a thurible is a metal container, about the size and shape of a coffee-pot, suspended on chains. The bowl contains hot coals, and the incense is placed on top of these. The thurible is then swung back and forth on its chains, spreading the fragrant smoke. thurible It is a thurible. The person carrying it is the thurifer.