first break it open by attacking it then press the B button ya idiot did you read the instruction manual
sorry to tell you but you cant get that move in super smash bros brawl or any brawl game sorry
The Final Smash becomes available when you break a Smash Ball. To activate it, press your SPECIAL button (usually B or 1).
If you die to many times then you get a pity smash ball. Go on like 99 lives vs level 9 and let it kill you and count.
There are no "Melee Moves" they are called a "Final Smash" and require breaking the Smash Ball, when it appears, then pressing the special button.
I think the way to go on this is to get the smash ball for his final smash which is a strong move with the Triforce. That's probably the best way to go on that.
no he ain't but you can be super sonic if you get a smash ball with sonic in brawl
you cant do smash moves without a smash ball unless you hack the game
Throw it
If you go special brawl, and then choose MEGA, then use Bowser in brawl, and set items as the good mushroom and the final smash ball, then do this. Bowser is mega for special brawl, then break the final smash ball, then use it and get the mushroom and you will be MEGA GIANT GIGA BOWSER!!! lol. It's super effective!
Ho-oh is not in Super Smash Bros. or Super Smash Bros. Brawl, but is available as one of the Pokemon that appear from the poke ball items in Super Smash Bros. Melee.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl Pokemon ListHere is a list of every Pokemon that makes an appearance in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.Playable PokemonPikachuJiggleypuffLucarioPokemon Trainer (playable)SquirtleIvysaurCharizardPoké Ball (non-playable)MeowthElectrodeGoldeenStaryuSnorlaxMoltresMewChikoritaTogepiBellossomWobbuffetEnteiSuicuneLugiaHo-OhCelebiTorchicGardevoirGulpinMetagrossLatias and LatiosKyogreGroudonJirachiDeoxysPiplupBonslyMunchlaxWeavileManaphy
sorry to tell you but you cant get that move in super smash bros brawl or any brawl game sorry
Super Sonic is Sonic's final smash. Therefore, once you break the smash ball, press 'B' to transform into super sonic.
It comes out of a poke ball, but other than that it is not a playable character.
The Final Smash becomes available when you break a Smash Ball. To activate it, press your SPECIAL button (usually B or 1).
no no no why is because sonic is not in super smash bros. or super smash bros melee he's in super smash bros brawl but not in the other games