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If you die to many times then you get a pity smash ball. Go on like 99 lives vs level 9 and let it kill you and count.

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Q: How do you spawn with a smash ball in Super Smash Bros brawl?
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How do you produce a finisher in Super Smash Bros Brawl?

I assume you mean a "final smash." This can only be obtained in 2 ways. The first is to break a Smash Ball by attacking it and then using ones standard special attack ("B" on a Gamecube controller). The other is to be losing by a significant number of lives in a battle, in which case you may spawn with a Smash Ball already in your possession (though this will not happen every life).Hope this helps!

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(HOW TO GET NESS) On Super Smash Bros for the wii..........You have to win 32 matches (and make sure make you WIN THEM ALL! you should be Mario,bowser,donkey kong or pikachu /I was Mario when I beat ness!

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well to complete tube town you have to have to do two player,you have to jump on top of a yarn animal and player two jumps on top of you and you jump and player two jumps when you start to go down........................written by TuRbo-jc oh yeah and I wrote how to spawn NESS for super smash bros wii! BYE

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How do you beat super Scribblenauts 4 10?

First, spawn a deadly small shambler. Then, spawn a deadly black titan. Next, spawn a deadly cold golem. Spawn a deadly pretty nuckelavee, and finally a deadly invincible slow sand worm.

What do you spawn in super Scribblenauts world 9-9?

Spawn genius and maxwells notebook. Give the noteook to the genius and he will solve the level. This works on all levels.

How do you get to the time machine level on super Scribblenauts?

Spawn a time machine (anywhere) then tap it. The levels will show up.

How do you ride a creature that's normally hostile in super Scribblenauts?

You could spawn a mind control device and use that on them.Also, if you can add adjective to it, simply spawn a friendly, ridable creature. If not, just use the method above.

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Proby Iron Man since he brand everyone back and defeated Thanos.

How do you get the kiss me merit on super Scribblenauts?

spawn yourself a wand and equip it. Then attack a man and they should become a frog which gives you the merit.

What are some saint row cheats?

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