Make the cheat box come up:
Ctrl + Shift + C
Start + Ctrl + Shift + C
1: Moveobjects on
2: Boolprop snapObjectsToGrid true
3: Boolprop allow45DegreeAngleOfRotation true
4: Boolprop snapObjectsToGrid false
sadly no, i had over 5000 downloads that i used in the sims 2, but they can't be used in the sims 3
on sims 2 pc, boolprop mod youshift click.
Yes the blur can be removed in The Sims 2 with the use of a mod. You can download the mod from the site, Pandora Sims.
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No, you cannot have Sims 2 pets on Sims 3. You must have Sims 3 pets for Sims 3 or Sims 2 pets for Sims 2.
There are boxes to the left with you sims' portrait.Click on the one you want to use.
You probably need a game mod to do that. Try this. Okay, so first of all you need have the sims 2 (obviusly) and you also need winRAR. Once you have all that make an acount on and search for 'pose' 'animation' and 'couple' that should show up with some good poser boxes. Or just search online for sims 2 poser boxes. Okay, so once you have your poser boxes in your game type in the cheat 'moveobjects on' then 'boolProp snapObjectsToGrid false' you will need these cheats if you download couple downloads. Then just drag your sims all over, get them to try all kinds of different posers. Have fun :)
The best way to model Sims is to build them a white floor that isn't distracting. Then you can use it and a nice pose to screenshot your creation you are modeling and use it to get people to download your creation.
I tried it, and it's pretty hard the first time. I've heard couple pictures are the hardest, but you basically just click on the box, and there will be a lot of poses to choose from. Don't ask me where to get them cause... I forgot. XD
you have to have a extention pack and click on the sim you want an click on pose :)
You can download the fox's test box from the site, Posebox.livejournal. Fox's test box is a type of pose box that is used in the Sims 2.
Unfortunately, you cannot use Sims 2 Body Shop on Sims 3.
Okay, so first of all, download winRAR. Then go to and search of 'couples' 'pose' and 'posebox' then it should come up with some poseboxes (and some other things two). Then download them. Now, for your real Q Step 1: Open up the cheat box (ctrl+shift+c) Step 2: Type in moveobjects on Step 3: Open the cheat box up again & type boolProp snapObjectsToGrid false Step 4: You have to posistion your sims carefully or they'll go all weird on you. Posistion each sims intill they're posistions look good to you. Good luck :)
Use sims 2 body shop
yes you can
Click on them! or click on their boxes on the side of the page if you made them or if your in that familes house