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you can't. It's all you when you fight Sephiroth in KH2

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Q: How do you use Donald and goofy in kingdom hearts 2 against sephiroth?
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Is sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts and Final fantasy?

Yes, Sephiroth, originally from Final Fantasy VII, appears in both Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts 2.

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Sephiroth is voiced by Lance Bass.

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Defeat Sephiroth.

Who is Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts?

Sephiroth is an extremly powerful enemy. he is the drak side of cloud basically. In kingdom hearts you can defeat him in the collusem but only cloud can truly defeat him.

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You cannot get Mickey's Keyblade in Kingdom Hearts II.

Can King Mickey arrive if you die against Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts 2?

No. Sephiroth is an optional battle that only takes place between Sora and Sephiroth, with no other help. King Mickey cannot help you in this battle.

How do you re battle sephiroth in kingdom hearts 2?

You cant

Where is sephiroth after i beat him in kingdom hearts 2?

He dissapears with Cloud

What do you do after you finish Kingdom Hearts I?

Get Kingdom Hearts 2. That's what I did. Or you can try and beat sephiroth and all those extra things.

How do you see sephiroth in Olympia in kingdom hearts 358 days over 2?

I don't think Sephiroth is in that game.