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In the top right corner, near the facebook icon, is a picture of your city probably with ball and chain on it. By clicking that you can see the city that colonized you. If you select uprise then an 8-hour timer will start after which requires you to open your city gates so all your troops fight the troops of the guy that colonized you. I would recommend calling on your allies for reinforcements that would stay in your embassy. At the end of 8 hours all the men in your city plus the men your allies sent you will fight IF your gates are open. The winner controls the city.

Some alternatives to uprising include:

using deplomacy to persuade your city back

getting a "big" friend to capture or threaten to capture your enemy's city

joining an alliance that is friendly to the alliance that captured you

spending cents on a commission quest where a third player will fight as your mercenary

or simply abandoning the city and starting a new

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