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Russell Herman

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Q: How do you update directX?
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How do you update your directx?

I added a link to Microsoft homepage update page below.

Does DirectX 10 work on Windows XP?

DirectX is not about your operating system but it's about video card you have. Video cards available today support DirectX 11 and as far as you have drivers for such video card your will support DirectX. Make sure that you update DirectX.

Why won't my PC install DirectX?

Check what promt error you are getting if any. Also check for windows update. And further you an directly download DirectX from Microsofts website

Where can one download DirectX Vista?

Microsoft's website is the best place to download DirectX for Vista. Microsoft offers all of their previous versions of DirectX on their website, which makes it very easy to update an older PC with the most recent software.

How do you install the newest version of DirectX on your computer?

DirectX is an integral component of the Windows operating system. If a newer version exists for your operating system, you will find via the Windows Update applet in Control Panel.

What is better directx 9.0c or directx 10?

DirectX 10 is the newest standard.

What are the Pixel Shader versions for video cards and how do I know which cards support them?

* Any video card supporting DirectX 8.0 or higher has Pixel Shader 1.1. * Any video card supporting DirectX 8.1 or higher has Pixel Shader 1.3/1.4 & Vertex Shader 1.1 * Any video card supporting DirectX 9.0 or higher has Pixel Shader 2.0. * As of DirectX 9.0c there is support for Pixel Shader 3.0. * For Vista only, video cards supporting Direct3D 10 have Pixel Shader 4.0. You can upgrade your Pixel Shader version by buying a video card with the appropriate support for the versions of DirectX listed above. The related links will provide you with the information as to which video card supports which version of DirectX so you can make an intelligent choice for your purchase. DirectX/Pixel Shader support is not something you can upgrade on the video card, you must purchase a new one to upgrade it. If your video card is listed as having support for DirectX version 9.0c/Pixel Shader 3.0, but you keep getting an error saying you do not meet Pixel Shader 3.0, your version of DirectX may be out of date. You can update your DirectX version (and should have it updated regardless of what your video card can support, due to bug fixes and other changes) to the newest one. You can find the newest version at the link below for Microsoft's download site (Windows XP/Server 2003 or lower) or through Windows Update (Microsoft Update).

How are you supposed to get directX 8.1?

DirectX 8.1 is old and unsupported. You would be better served by upgrading your directX.

How do you download directx with vista?

There is no need to download DirectX for Vista. it already bundles the latest version of DirectX.

What should you do if Rome Total War is not working?

if it is an early version of the game apply all the available update patches. RTW had problems with versions of DirectX in its early incarnations.

How come it alwas says theres an error report when you try to run morrowind?

You might need to update directx or reinstall it. Its possible its just missing an important file.

How do you fix dx error 0x8876086c in Skype?

DX error 0x8876086c is caused by DirectX, not Skype, though it maysometimesappear in Skype.Any error codes with DX are for DirectX.Here are a couple of fixes you can try:Fix 1Go to Control PanelGo to Add/Remove programsRight-click on SkypeSelect repairFix 2Search the internet for a DirectX update then install the update. These should normally be on the Microsoft website,