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yes, directX 10 should be fine

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Q: Will Sims 3 run with DirectX 10?
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Can DirectX make your sims 3 game go faster?

Yes and smoother.

Does sims 3 need directx 9.0?

The Sims 3 requires DirectX 9. 0c if it's running on a Windows XP operating system. The computer will also need 1 gigabyte of RAM, and at least 6. 1 gigabytes of hard drive space.

Do you need Sims 2 to run Sims 3?


Can you run Sims 2 expansion packs on Sims 3?

no you can not run sims 2 expansion packs on the sims 3 i know it would be good if you could but you cant, there is going to be sims 3 expansion packs ( world adventures.etc.)

Can you run Sims 3 Generations on your PowerBook G4?

No, you cannot run neither The Sims 3 nor the Generations expansion pack.

Can this PC run The Sims 3?

i think that the sims can run on every PC or laptop......if its really slow its because of the sims... it causes viruses

Can sims 3 run on powerpc G5 mac?

As Sims 3 requires a Mac with an Intel processor it will not run on a Mac with a G5 processor.

Do you need The Sims 1 to run The Sims 3?

nope. as the sims 3 is not an expansion pack, it is a new game, you don't need anything to run it, apart from a computer with reasonable performance. if, for example you brought the adventure add on pack for the sims 3 you would need the specified program to run it.

Can you use Sims 3 in a non mac computer?

yes you can i run my sims 3 on a normal computer

Can a teen run away in the sims 3?


Can you run sims 3 on windows 8?

Yes, I have Windows 8 on my computer and The Sims 3 works perfectly fine.

Will ATI Radeon HD 4350 512MB play sims 3?

yes it will run the sims 3 very well