If you're talking about the volume, press escape to access the pause menu and change the volume sliders.
Type "/mute (player name)" in the chat to unmute.
No, the only way is to have a high-ranked person unmute you. In the meantime, use signs to talk.
Unless you are staff member on the server, you will be unable to unmute yourself. When muted, it is either permanent, a staff member will manually unmute you or the server consol will unmute you after a set amount of time. Do NOT try to hack, as this will only get you in deeper trouble. In some cases, hacking can be punishable by law. Just wait it out.
You can't. Only the admin/op/mod can unmute you. (unless you want to hack into the server console which is illegal)
you can't. you just have to wait - it doesn't take too long to unmute
Type "/mute (player name)" in the chat to unmute.
No, the only way is to have a high-ranked person unmute you. In the meantime, use signs to talk.
Unless you are staff member on the server, you will be unable to unmute yourself. When muted, it is either permanent, a staff member will manually unmute you or the server consol will unmute you after a set amount of time. Do NOT try to hack, as this will only get you in deeper trouble. In some cases, hacking can be punishable by law. Just wait it out.
You can't. Only the admin/op/mod can unmute you. (unless you want to hack into the server console which is illegal)
Type !unmute"chat channel". For example, !unmutebuddy, !unmuteglobal, etc.
you can't. you just have to wait - it doesn't take too long to unmute
go to the gamer card then it will say unmute then click on it then youll be unmuted
Unfortunately,you cant. I have tried many times and it is impossible. However if u send this email to jagex they will unmute u to blabla@hotmail.com
You can't, sorry. :(
Isn't there a volume button or something?
i have no entirely clue can any of u help me out
yup.. go to account management in the hompage and select "appeal an offence"