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The Hot spring will appear after the Birth of your first Child.

Actually you make Flora like you this is ds cute not island of happiness.Make Flora like you by 100 points or is it 255 Well one of them then walk to where your dad is burried where Nina and her husband live her husband is the one who gives you a rod.Then youll get a hotspring :)

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Activate this event with Flora.

» Walk from Vesta's Farm to Waterfall Area

» 11:20 pm to 12:00 am, not Sunday, sunny day

» Flora 250+ FP

» Carter is not married

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Q: How do you unlock the hot spring in harvest moon ds cute?
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How do you find the first hot spring in harvest moon ds cute?

The First hot spring is available after the Birth of your child, in harvest moon D.S. You can also unlock it by Flora's blue heart event.

How do you unlock the 1st hot spring on harvest moon ds cute?

Befriend Flora 250+ points. At 11:00 walk into the mines. You will get a cutscene

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On the 18th of Spring.

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You can't. Maybe there will be an Action Replay code for it, but I don't know. I own Harvest Moon DS cute on NO$GBA myself.

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You can go to the site under related links to see how to unlock each Harvest Sprite.

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You cannot get a rabbit in Harvest Moon DS Cute.

How do you unlock the hot springs for harvest moon ds cute?

After the Birth of your first child the hot springs will be available.

What if I didn't unlock casino 8th spring in Harvest Moon DS cute?

You'lljust have to wait till next year. Or If you are still just starting the game, I would suggest you'd restart your game.