The Cinnabar gym key is in the abandoned mansion west of the gym. Spray on a super repel and get to work!
You must continue going to the far right of cinnabar while surfing into a cave, there you will have to search and then youl find a key there
You will get the 7th Badge which is the Volcano Badge from Blaine, the Gym Leader of Cinnabar Island however you will need to receive the Key from within the Pokémon Mansion before you can unlock the Gym's locked door.
At cinnabar island at the pokemon lab third door.
Find the secret key in the Pokemon Mansion,( Next to the gym)
The Cinnabar gym key is in the abandoned mansion west of the gym. Spray on a super repel and get to work!
You have to get the key to the gym in Pokemon Mansion, but after you unlock the entrance, he is already inside there, so it's assumed that he's already in there even before you unlock the entrance.
You must continue going to the far right of cinnabar while surfing into a cave, there you will have to search and then youl find a key there
how do you unlock the door under the hay
With the secret key which is found in the Pokemon mansion.
You will get the 7th Badge which is the Volcano Badge from Blaine, the Gym Leader of Cinnabar Island however you will need to receive the Key from within the Pokémon Mansion before you can unlock the Gym's locked door.
find a key
At cinnabar island at the pokemon lab third door.
you hit the unlock door button twice.
Unlock it from inside the car with the door lock.
Find the secret key in the Pokemon Mansion,( Next to the gym)
to unlock the door you have to complete the entire board