Find the secret key in the Pokemon Mansion,( Next to the gym)
In the basement of the Pokemon mansion on cinnaber.
The Cinnabar gym key is in the abandoned mansion west of the gym. Spray on a super repel and get to work!
After you get HM03 (Surf) and beat Koga, you have to fly to Pallet Town and surf to Cinnabar Island. After you are there you have to go to the Cinnabar Mansion and find the Secret Key and Use it to unlock the door of the gym. After you are in the gym you must answers a series of questions or face the gym trainers. Then you can face Blaine for the Volcano Badge. His team is a level 48 Ninetales, a level 50 Rapidash, and a level 54 Arcanine.
You will get the 7th Badge which is the Volcano Badge from Blaine, the Gym Leader of Cinnabar Island however you will need to receive the Key from within the Pokémon Mansion before you can unlock the Gym's locked door.
With the secret key which is found in the Pokemon mansion.
Find the secret key in the Pokemon Mansion,( Next to the gym)
You don't trade at Seafoam Island. You trade in the Pokemon Centers.
You have to get the key to the gym in Pokemon Mansion, but after you unlock the entrance, he is already inside there, so it's assumed that he's already in there even before you unlock the entrance.
In the basement of the Pokemon mansion on cinnaber.
revive a pokemon from a fossil and beat the fire gym leader Actually, you need to get the key from the Pokemon Mansion. It wouldn't make sense to require you to beat the gym in order to unlock the gym!
seventh badge is cinnabar island. Fly to Pallet Town, surf south. Then go into pokemon mansion and find the secret key to unlock the gym
The Cinnabar gym key is in the abandoned mansion west of the gym. Spray on a super repel and get to work!
First you must have all of the 15 other badges. Then go to Cinnabar Island. He will be there, near the Pokemon Center. Talk to him and he will return to the Gym in Viridian City. Then you can challenge him to a Pokemon Battle.
The Pokemon that can be found in the Pokemon Mansion in Pokemon FireRed are Rattata, Raticate, Grimer, Muk, Growlithe, Koffing, Weezing and Ditto and you will also be able to find the key that will unlock the door to the Cinnabar Gym.
which island do you mean?
After you get HM03 (Surf) and beat Koga, you have to fly to Pallet Town and surf to Cinnabar Island. After you are there you have to go to the Cinnabar Mansion and find the Secret Key and Use it to unlock the door of the gym. After you are in the gym you must answers a series of questions or face the gym trainers. Then you can face Blaine for the Volcano Badge. His team is a level 48 Ninetales, a level 50 Rapidash, and a level 54 Arcanine.