you can hack or use mystery gift but the event was in August of last year. I do not know when the next one is.
New moon island is only avalible in Pokemon pearl, diamond and platinum
iron island, (where you meet riley and he gives you a riolu egg,) Full moon island,(where you first see cresselia,) and New moon island (where you catch darkrai)
To get to new moon island in Pokemon diamond you have to go to canalave city and go to the house next to the sailor that takes you to iron island and if you see a boy in bed go talk to tha lady next to him and then talk to him and then go to the sailorand he will take you to new moon island,cresselia is there, go talk to it. good luck also for platinum new moon is where you get darkrai fullmoon is where cresselia is
um...I don't think they are any giant island in Pokemon platinum.But if you mean new moon island then you need a members card which you can get a long time ago.Although you can also get it by ar.
new moon island
Darkrai Can Be Found On New Moon Island. Darkrai Can Be Found At New Moon Island,Next To Full Moon Island.
New moon island is only avalible in Pokemon pearl, diamond and platinum
get the national pokedex
On New Moon Island.
You got to go to new moon island
there is iorn island, full moon island, and new moon island
that is not a island the islands are in pearl dimond and platinum are iron island fullmoon and new moon island by dgamer297 :D
By no legal means can you access New Moon Island in any game other than Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum.
There is no way normally to open the door. The only way is if you get the member pass over mystery gift. When you do, you can catch Darkrai by going to new moon island.
by getting an event item that no longer is being distributed