There is a mod you can download to play as them in the main campaign, you cannot play as the minor nations through unlocking them and their are no patches planned.
No, Empire Total War by the Creative Assembly is a PC exclusive RTS.
Empire total war has no sound, no nothing, and then my pc has no sound, i have to reboot my computer to have windows sound again
Empire Total War is an amazing game with good graphics, lots of strategy, and really good naval battles.
You don't unlock them. You have to change the file descr_strat. But you have to find a way to get around the "read only copy" thing.
the special forces version!
Hold x while you go to options and type in 0779836512/monkey, trust me it'll work
The total number of United Nations member nations is 192
No, Empire Total War by the Creative Assembly is a PC exclusive RTS.
there were a total of 83 nations. Those nations competed in 150 events
No. The Incan Empire was exactly the 100th largest empire in history, with a total land area of 2 million km2. The largest empire in history was the British Empire, with a total land area of 33.7 million km2.
THERE WAS NEVER A LORD OF THE RINGS TOTAL WAR GAME ! but empire total war is good but every total war game was good :)
Yes, you can play almost all the factions when you complete the grand campain. The only exseptions is the India factions, and the two invading. (mongols and someone else)
Empire total war has no sound, no nothing, and then my pc has no sound, i have to reboot my computer to have windows sound again
Empire Total War is an amazing game with good graphics, lots of strategy, and really good naval battles.
there were 35 different colones in the british empire
Win and draw a combined total of 792 games to unlock legends. You can unlock 5 legends for 1000rp