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Complete 18 challenges to unlock mace windu.

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Q: How do you unlock mace windu on lightsaber duels?
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Reverse of arcadia how do you unlock the Duelist Genesisi pack?

You must defeat these CPU inside story mode 3 times (or more) each; Eiki, Gate Mace, Key Mace, Key Mace #2, Zape.

What are names of Movie characters starting with M?

Mary Jane [spider man], mickey mouse, maria [from west side story], mace windu [star wars], megatron [transformers], miss piggy [the muppets], Mary poppins, Marie Antoinette, marcie [peanuts].

How do you unlock insane store in xbox 360 for castle crashers?

The insane store is a ps3 exclusive, items from the store are unlocked by downloading the necromantic dlc from xbox. Gold skull mace, gold spear, and chainsaw...

How do you get the duelist genesis in reverse of arcadia?

Defeat the following duelists 3 times each: Eiki, Zape, Key Mace, Key Mace #2, Gate Mace (Gate Mace is actually hidden behind the tree in the very first section of the forest).

Are there any cheat codes for star wars the force unleashed 2?

Cheat mode Successfully complete the first mission. Pause the game, and select the "Input Code" option. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Alternately, successfully complete the first mission. After gaining access to the Rogue Shadow, you will have the ability enable cheat codes. While on board your ship between missions, select "Extras", then the "Enter Code" option. Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Enabling a costume code may prevent some intermissions sequences from being viewed. The game cannot be saved when non-costume codes are enabled. To bypass this, reach a checkpoint in a new area after enabling the code(s), then intentionally die, exit to the main menu, and select "Continue". You can now manually save your game with the code(s) still in effect.InvincibilityEnter "CORTOSIS" as a code.Infinite ForceEnter "VERGENCE" as a code.1,000,000 Force pointsEnter "SPEEDER" as a code.All Force powersEnter "TYRANUS" as a code to unlock all Force powers.Maximum Force power levelEnter "KATARN" as a code.Maximum combo levelEnter "COUNTDOOKU" as a code.Amplified lightsaber damageEnter "LIGHTSABER" as a code.All costumesEnter "GRANDMOFF" as a code to unlock all costume.Jedi Adventure robeEnter "HOLOCRON" as a code to unlock the Jedi Adventure robe.Jedi Ceremonial robeEnter "DANTOOINE" as a code to unlock the Jedi Ceremonial robe.Kento's robeEnter "WOOKIEE" as a code to unlock Kento's robe.Sith Stalker armorEnter "KORRIBAN" as a code to unlock the Sith Stalker armor.Play as 501st LegionEnter "LEGION" as a code to unlock 501st Legion.Play as Aayla SecuraEnter "AAYLA" as a code to unlock Aayla Secura.Play as Admiral AckbarEnter "ITSATWAP" as a code to unlock Admiral Ackbar.Play as Anakin SkywalkerEnter "CHOSENONE" as a code to unlock Anakin Skywalker.Play as Asajj VentressEnter "ACOLYTE" as a code to unlock Asajj Ventress.Play as Chop'aa NotimoEnter "NOTIMO" as a code to unlock Chop'aa Notimo.Play as Classic stormtrooperEnter "TK421" as a code to unlock Classic stormtrooper.Play as Count DookuEnter "SERENNO" as a code to unlock Count Dooku.Play as Darth DesolousEnter "PAUAN" as a code to unlock Darth Desolous.Play as Darth MaulEnter "ZABRAK" as a code to unlock Darth Maul.Play as Darth PhobosEnter "HIDDENFEAR" as a code to unlock Darth Phobos.Play as Darth VaderEnter "SITHLORD" as a code to unlock Darth Vader.Play as Drexl RooshEnter "DREXLROOSH" as a code to unlock Drexl Roosh.Play as Emperor PalpatineEnter "PALPATINE" as a code to unlock Emperor Palpatine.Play as General Rahm KotaEnter "MANDALORE" as a code to unlock General Rahm Kota.Play as Han SoloEnter "NERFHERDER" as a code to unlock Han Solo.Play as Heavy trooperEnter "SHOCKTROOP" as a code to unlock Heavy trooper.Play as Juno EclipseEnter "ECLIPSE" as a code to unlock Juno Eclipse.Play as KleefEnter "KLEEF" as a code to unlock Kleef.Play as Lando CalrissianEnter "SCOUNDREL" as a code to unlock Lando Calrissian.Play as Luke SkywalkerEnter "T16WOMPRAT" as a code to unlock Luke Skywalker.Play as Luke Skywalker (Yavin)Enter "YELLOWJCKT" as a code to unlock Luke Skywalker (Yavin).Play as Mace WinduEnter "JEDIMASTER" as a code to unlock Mace Windu.Play as Mara JadeEnter "MARAJADE" as a code to unlock Mara Jade.Play as Maris BrookEnter "MARISBROOD" as a code to unlock Maris Brook.Play as Navy commandoEnter "STORMTROOP" as a code to unlock Navy commando.Play as Obi Wan KenobiEnter "BENKENOBI" as a code to unlock Obi Wan Kenobi.Play as ProxyEnter "HOLOGRAM" as a code to unlock Proxy.Play as Qui Gon JinnEnter "MAVERICK" as a code to unlock Qui Gon Jinn.Play as Shaak TiEnter "TOGRUTA" as a code to unlock Shaak Ti.Play as Shadow trooperEnter "INTHEDARK" as a code to unlock Shadow trooper.Play as Twi'lekEnter "SECURA" as a code to unlock Twi'lek.Sith Lord mode Successfully complete the game to unlock the Sith Lord difficulty.Jedi robe Successfully complete the game with the Jedi ending to unlock the Jedi robe.Easy Force Points Reach a checkpoint that is just before a large group of enemies. Intentionally die during the battle. Every time you respawn at the checkpoint, your Force Point total will remain intact. Repeat the battle to build your Force Points.

Related questions

How do you get mace windu in lightsaber duals?

You have to complete 18 challenges in order to unlock Mace Windu

On star wars the clone wars lightsaber duels how do you get Mace Window?

To get Mace Windu you have to beat 18 challenges.

How do you unlock mace windu on Star Wars the clone wars lightsaber duels?

All you have to do is beat 18 challenges! Commander Cody is awesome! P.s I think your name is Fred!

What is the blade color of MAce Windu's Lightsaber?

Mace Windu's current lightsaber is purple, his old one was yellow.

Who was the only member of the jedi council to have a purple lightsaber?

Mace Windu was the only member of the Jedi Council to have a purple lightsaber. It was a unique blade that reflected his unusual blend of Light Side and Dark Side powers.

What is the balder colour of mac windus lightsaber?

Mace Windu's lightsaber color is purple. But all lightsaber blades give off a white glow along with the color of the lightsaber crystal inside, for the lightsaber produces the smell of ozone when activated

Can you unlock yoda on Star Wars the clone wars lightsaber duels?

No. I have the game myself and the playable characters for the game are NOT locked and they are Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, Count Dooku, General Grievous, EG-5 Jedi Hunter droid, Kit Fisto, Plo Koon, Asajj Ventress, and Mace Windu

Lightsabers come in many colors but who is the only Jedi to wield a purple blade?

Mace windu from the star wars prequel triology films. There are also many people in the book sequels that have purple lightsabers like Kyp Durron, Jaina Solo and Anakin Solo... PS. i did not make these people up they are part of the main series of books that take place after Return of the Jedi and they are canon.

When was Mace Windu created?

Mace Windu was created in 1999.

Who is stronger obi wan or mace windu?

Mace Windu

What color is mace windus lightsaber?

Master Windu is easily recognized because he is the only Jedi to wield the purple blade in combat.

Who would win mace windu or Darth malik?

Mace Windu would likely have the upper hand in a duel with Darth Malak. Windu is a skilled lightsaber duelist and a master of the Force, particularly known for his mastery of Vaapad. Meanwhile, Darth Malak, while powerful, has shown vulnerabilities in combat.