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You have to complete a certain challenge for this specific kill streak, you pretty much just have to call it in a certain number of times. To check how many times u need to get the killstreak go to Barracks>Challenges>Killstreaks and just complete them to get the emblem. Hope this helped!

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Q: How do you unlock killstreak emblems in modern warfare 2?
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No unfortunately same as you can't level up in private matches

How do you unlock all emblems on modern warfare 2?

I don't know but there is a spotty nerd called Liam crumlish from barnfield south academy

Do you unlock guns when you prestige on call of duty modern warfare 2?

No, all your guns are reset to the same as you were when you were level 1. The only thing you unlock when prestiging is emblems and titles.

How can unlock a killstreak in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2?

Level Up so manny times and it will give you one. It will tell you how many level ups till you unlock one on the upper right hand corner.

Is there an atomic bomb in call of duty modern warfare 2?

It is called the Tactical Nuke and you have to unlock that in the callsigns and killstreaks reward menu in online game play. It is a 25 killstreak reward!

Unlock titles and emblems for modern warfare 2?

You get titles and emblems for doing the majority of challenges you see. I f you look through your challenges you will find that the challenge names are on the titles, some times. there are many apps on the IPhone and I Pod touch that tell you how to get the titles and emblems. I hope this is a good answer for you