

Best Answer

You buy a Club Penguin toy at usually any store.

Go to

Click Play Now

Click on your penguin or type the username and password in, press log in.

Then click the Unlock Items online! icon in the right hand corner, once you are logged in, instead of going to a server.

Type in your code or book code from there.

Hope that was helpful.

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Q: How do you unlock items with Club Penguin?
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Unlockin items on Club Penguin?

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What are the code for on club penguin unlock items?

There are many club penguin toy codes.

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To unlock cards you go to the Disney store then you enter the code on unlock items online on club penguin

Where you get cards from Club Penguin?

Unlock it by clicking on unlock items online.

How do you unlock items in Club Penguin?

You must have a code or a

How do you get a code on Club Penguin?

You buy (in real life) Club Penguin toys and there will be a code to unlock items!

How do you unlock items with a book on club penguin?

by having a club penguin book and throughout the book there will be codes

Where do you find the pumpkin head in club penguin?

Use This Code:PUMPKIN1 on the club penguin "unlock items online".

Where do you log on codes for club penguin?

Unlock Items Online.

What are the codes to unlock items online for club penguin?


What code do you write on club penguin on unlock items?

a code that you have