You can. But you have to find a train station or a boat to hoenn. Then you can start a new game basicly and after you choose a starter and all that and then beat Hoenn, you can go to the train station or the boat whatever it wasnt before, and take a ride to kanto. :)
you can't, you can only do it in Pokemon r/s/e
catch all 150 original Pokemon i believe if not its you have to catch all of them from the hoen region too
You can go to Kanto and beat the Gym Leaders and Elite Four there. You can also get Kanto and Hoen starter Pokemon.
Catch all the pokemon in the hoen dex. You may want to trade.
nothing(that has anything to do with the card/ unlocked by card exept for sinoh and hoen Pokemon and move snorelax with poke flute by turning it on then talk to snorelax) also go in diglet cave
u cant
no you cant sorry about that
there is.... its called Pokemon emerald, Pokemon ruby, and Pokemon sapphire.... there all in the hoen region
You can't go to Hoenn in Pokemon HeartGold. You can only go to Kanto.
You cant. only johto
basically its every Pokemon from the kanto region to the johto to hoen region
You can't, but you can trade Pokemon with people from Hoen
Some are the same, some are diffrent. If you want to get pokemon from the Hoen region (as you can't go there) play the Pokemon Music Channel on Wednesdays, which will play Hoen Sounds
because the main regions are Kanto and Jhoto. Nonetheless you may get a Hoenn starter after beating the game in the Kanto region at Saffron city from Steven
veronica is not in pokemon gold shes in the hoen region.
only the hoen region no other
you can't. Pokemon heartgold and soulsilver versions only have two regions: johto and kanto.