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you can't, you can only do it in Pokemon r/s/e

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Q: How do you go to hoen region in Pokemon leaf green?
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Related questions

How many pokemon are in the leafgreen pokedex?

150 Pokemon for fire red and leaf green (not including legedaries or hoen and johto Pokemon)

What are all the Pokemon in Pokemon Snap?

all the Pokemon from leaf green mostly Pokemon from the kanto region

How do you get a torchic in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You have to trade it from Pokemon ruby or sapphire.You cannot get a Torchic in Pokemon Leaf Green. The game is played only in the Kanto region, and since Torchic is in the Hoenn region, you cannot get torchic in Leaf Green.

How do you get a bagon in Pokemon LeafGreen version?

trade from ruby/Sapphire/emerald bagon is a newer Pokemon leaf green focuses on the original 150 or catch at lost cave but get alot of max repels it is a glitch but it to work always hack yer game to acsess hoen region dex stuff.

Where do you get pollywhirl in pokemon leaf green?

You can get Pollywhirl in Pokemon Leaf Green in Virdian City.

Can you trade some Pokemon for meowth in Pokemon ruby version?

Yes. But meowth is only in leaf green and maybe fire red. In order to trade into the hoen games, you must first in leaf green or fire red, beat the elite for, go to one island, help the guy that needs a ruby and a sapphire, give it to him, then you will be able to trade.

How do you get to johto region on Pokemon LeafGreen?

Johto is inaccessible on Leaf Green although Islands Four to Seven contain Johto Pokemon.

How do you find staravia in Pokemon FireRed?

staravia isn't a kanto region Pokemon it's a sinnoh region Pokemon therefore you can't get a starly, staravia, or a staraptor in leaf green or fire red

What Pokemon can you get in FireRed that you cant get in leaf green?

The Pokemon you can get in fire red and not leaf green are Electabuzz and Scyther.

How do you get mamoswine in leaf green?

you can't get mamoswine in Pokemon leaf green because it doesn't exist in leaf green

How do you get to pal park in green leaf?

there is no Pokemon green leaf and Pokemon leaf green you can't only diamond pearl platinum heartgold soulsilver and maybe black and white

Can you get Eevee on Pokemon emerald?

No only Fire Red and Leaf Green and trade it from Pokemon fire red and leaf green