trade from ruby/Sapphire/emerald bagon is a newer Pokemon leaf green focuses on the original 150 or catch at lost cave but get alot of max repels it is a glitch but it to work always hack yer game to acsess hoen region dex stuff.
Yes you can trade leafgreen version Pokemon to another leafgreen version.
Gligar is a flying and ground type of Pokemon. The only way to get this Pokemon in LeafGreen version is to trade for it.
You can't find a Vulpix in Pokemon FireRed version. That pokemon is version-exclusive to Pokemon LeafGreen.
Bagon is a Dragon type pokemon.
Yes you can trade leafgreen version Pokemon to another leafgreen version.
No only in ruby and sapphire and emerald just trade one from those games to leafgreen and now you have it.
there are 5 legendary Pokemon in leafgreen version
LeafGreen version does not have Growlithe.
its only available in Pokemon leafgreen version sorry
That's Impossible if you like saw it on youtube then he hacked it on a emulator or with action replay
firered and leafgreen version
lavender town
You cannot catch aipom in leafgreen however you can in emerald or Pokemon colosseum.
yes you can trade pokemon leafgreen pokemon to pokemon emerald version same as pokemon fire.
Gligar is a flying and ground type of Pokemon. The only way to get this Pokemon in LeafGreen version is to trade for it.