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One way, that I have been told by people, online, is too press CTRL and C at the same time to bring up the cheat box, then to type in UnlockCareerRewards, but this doesn't seem to work for me. The way I have found that 'REALLY' works, is to press CTRL+C, and type in the following:

boolprop testingcheatsenabled true

Including all of the spaces (there is one space after 'prop' and one after 'enabled').

Then, once you have done that, close the cheat box, and hold SHIFT down, while clicking on a fresh newspaper (not an old one). Once you have done that, a display saying:

Force Error, Adults Jobs, Career Awards, and Job Levels

will appear. (The Jobs Levels selection won't come up if the Sim doesn't have a job).

All you need to do is click Career Awards, and select every single option to unlock all of them. If you only want the podium, only unlock the Politics one.

Don't worry if you accidently hit "Force Error". Just make sure to hit "cancel" if you do. It the box keeps popping up, you should hit "reset", not "delete". Reset will simply cancel all interaction with the object and return it to its original state. "Delete" will delete the object. (Note: If you delete a Sim, save your game, return to the neighborhood, then go back to the lot you were on. The Sim should be standing by the mailbox. This is great for when your Sim is, say, stuck in the floorboards due to some glitch or on faire.)

Another thing you might not know:

To give the Sims a good job, enter the same cheat (boolprop testingcheatsenabled true), Shift + click the newspaper, select Adult Jobs, and choose which job. Then, you can select the level of your job (promotion without the work) by holding shift, clicking the newspaper, then selecting Job Levels. All you need to do then, is simply click Level Ten, and if they're in Politics, lets say, it will make you there Mayor, and you will get paid 1,300, which is quite alot in Sims world.

Other cheats include:

Kaching (Gives 1K)

Motherlode (Gives 50k)

Maxmotives (Maximises all Sims motives)

Boolprop testingcheatsenabled false (Turns off Boolprop)

move_objects on/off (Allows you to move/delete objects that you normally can't, such as objects in use.)

That's about it. I hope I helped!!! x

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Q: How do you unlock career rewards in The Sims 2?
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What is the cheat code to unlock career rewards on the sims 2?

testingcheatsenabled true/on/shop

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You can unlock the Career Rewards by getting on the top of the Career or enter the cheat unlockcareerRewards if that doesn't work look up the cheat on under the Sims 2 or any cheat site

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There are no cheats to unlock aspiration rewards in the Sims 2 for PC.

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you hit simantaneously shift,ctrl,c and type in unlockCareerRewards

How do you get carreer awards on sims 2?

When you get to a certain lv in you career you will be able to buy a career reward. How to do this is to go to the reward section and click on career rewards and the one that is colored you can buy.

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To unlock cars on the Sims 2, you'll need Sims 2 Nightlife.

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Get a job in the Paranormal career track, and you will get it as a career reward. You can get ressurect o nomitron by cheats also. Type boolprop testingcheatsenabled true, than shift click on newspaper and select "Career rewards", than "Paranormal". It should appear in your sim's inventory, where career rewards are.

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You click on the sim who you want to pose. And there should be a optopn that says pose, click on it and it gives you plenty pf poses to chose from. I think Bon Voyage is needed to pose because I have at Seasons, NightLife, University, Open for buisness and Pets and it won't let me pose. But I do know that the camera you unlock in your career rewards lets you pose. To take a picture and to just stand there posing. Btw if you want to unlock your career rewards just do the cheat 'UnlockCareerRewards' << exactly except the '. Cya hope this helped

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Use this cheat exactly as it is here, cause i tried for ages to get the right boolprop code and this one works:boolProp TestingCheatsEnabled trueMake sure you do this in the neighbourhood else it won't work!Ctrl+Shift+C > Ctrl+V > Entergo into a lot with sims on it and press shift when clicking on a new newspaper. it will come up with career rewards and then you can choose whichever career rewards you want and they will appear in the sims career inventory.

How do you get the Resurrect-O-Nomitron on Sims 2?

You must reach the top of the Paranormal career (it comes with university, so if you don't have that, you're out of luck.) Then, once getting to the top, you should go into the Career Rewards section (under the backpack icon, same as aspiration Rewards and inventory) and find it.

How do you get the resurrect o nomitron on the sims 2?

you have to have Sims 2 university expansion pack then get a career and it is a career reward

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