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Get a job in the Paranormal career track, and you will get it as a career reward. You can get ressurect o nomitron by cheats also. Type boolprop testingcheatsenabled true, than shift click on newspaper and select "Career rewards", than "Paranormal". It should appear in your sim's inventory, where career rewards are.

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Q: How do you get the ressurect o nomitron on the sims 2 seasons?
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How do you get the resurrect o nomitron on the sims 2?

you have to have Sims 2 university expansion pack then get a career and it is a career reward

Sims 2 My sim died and I moved in a new family and used the ressurect-o-nomitron and genie lamp but it said I didn't know any dead sims and the grave is on the lot How do I bring her back to life?

The sim can only be brought back to life by someone who knew her. If she was friends with a townie or another one of your characters, have THEM move into the house and resurrect your sim.

Do you need Sims 2 in order to play Sims 2 seasons?

yes you need to install sims 2 before you install sims seasons

Can you have a dog on sims 2 seasons?

No you cannot, that is sims 2 pets. You can have flower babies and flower people on sims 2 seasons though.

What is sims 2 seasons?

It is an expansion pack for the Sims 2.

What sims 2 install sims 2 seasons?

the sims 2 that's it....or holiday edition.

Can your Sims do cartwheels and flips on Sims 2 seasons?

I am not sure but i think you can do it in free time but i am not an expert at simolegy! but the sims 2 seasons is cool but no, you cant!

Where you can find a zombie in the sims 2?

in the PC version, you kill a sim, use the resuruct-o-nomitron (university required) and offer aroun 2,500 Simoleons.

What are the game that can install sims 2 seasons?

it has to be one of these to install it: sims 2 deluxe, sims 2 double deluxe, sims 2 holiday, and the sims 2.

Is the sims seasons on ps2?

No that is a PC expansion pack for The Sims 2

Which sims 3 game has winter and summer?

sims 2 seasons

What is the best sims 2 expansion pack?

All are good in some way. Sims 2 Seasons is one of those esstential to sims 2 gameplay. If I were you, I would get Seasons and Bon Voyage.