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in demo 0.8a he is a starter character.

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Q: How do you unlock Sora in Super Smash Flash 2?
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How do you get Sora on Super Smash Flash?

you can not but you can in the second 1

How do you unlock bowser in Super Smash Flash 2 demo?

the brawl mario and sora battle to remainde 2 unlocked bowser

Is Sora for Brawl?

No..But try super smash Flash 2 its very fun and it has sora...

Can Sora use gravity in Super Smash Flash 2?

Not as far as I know.

What are the worst characters in Super Smash Flash 2 Demo v0.8?

The worst characters in super smash flash 2 demo v0.8 is Sonic,Sora,Wario,Black Mage,Link,and even Megaman.

Is Super Smash Flash 2 just like Super Smash Bros Brawl?

Yes but in super smash flash 2,there are different characters like Sora,Tails,Goku,Ichigo,and more characters.Also there are different stages like a stage from Super Mario Galaxy and a stage from Dragon ball Z and more.And also the final balls are in the game super smash flash 2(but there will be all of the characters and stages in version 1.0)So Super smash flash 2 and Super smash bros brawl are 70% the same.

How can you unlock Crono in Super Smash Flash 2?

beat 3-minute melee. i would suggest that you use the skip level cheat. another way you can get him is when cloud appears use the skip level cheat use it again when the match starts and he will appear.

How do how get Sora in Super Smash Bros. Brawl?

you cant

How do you unlock captain falcon in Super Smash Flash How do you unlock captain falcon in super smashflash2 demo 8?

Step 1: Starting Dmg: 999 Step 2: Lives - 1 Step 3: Kirby is always your opponent Step 4: Follow this Accordingly - Mario, Link, Lloyd, Megaman, Pikachu, Sonic, Kirby, Peach, DK, Ichigo, Sora, Tails, Fox, Wario, Yoshi , Naruto, Goku, Black Mage and finally Ness (Note: Use will be Using Ness to Fight Captain Falcon in order to unlock him)

What people cane you play as in the full game of Super Smash Flash?

Your mum, Pikachu, Mario, Sonic, peach, bowser, DK, link, sora, captin falcon & kirby

How do you do Sora's chain combo in Super Smash Flash 2 Demo version 0.6?

ok, dont answer this question, 'cause i found out the answer by myself. and if you don't know that then continiou to read:while doing the chain combo press the butnon for your special atack repeatidly and it should work.

Who are the characters in super smash flash 2 v0.8 going to come out?

Mario, Yoshi, Donkey Kong, Peach, Goku, Sonic, Tails, Wario, Fox, Pikachu, Llyod, Ichigo, Kirby, Black Mage, Naruto, Ness, Sora, Link, Mega man, and Vegeta