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Play the game til u discover it

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Sarah DeBartolo

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Sarah DeBartolo

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What is it? (this is a kid using mom's account)
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Sarah DeBartolo

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laughing out loud

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Q: How do you unlock Rileys Story on Sims Life Stories?
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How do you do Rileys story on sims life stories?

follow the asperation thingy

How do you restart Rileys Story on Sims Life Stories?

I'd just re-install the game.

Cheat code to unlock vince's story on sims life stories?

You cant unlock it you have to do the first story then you will get the second story.

How do you unlock story rewards for free play in sims life stories?

UnlockStoryRewards ON

Is there a cheat code to unlock Vincent's story on Sims life stories?

No you just have to play Riley's story until you get to capter 4 then it unlocks. Morgan i<3loganlerman

How do you beat rileys story on sims life stories?

just look at riley's goals to see what she is thinking (or hoping) to do. for example, if she wants to go with her friends to he gym- then take riley and her friends to the gym. so basicly, look at her goals to see what she wants to do, and before you know it- you've completed riley's story! ;)

Is there a cheat in the sims life stories so you can get Vincents town?

its not really a cheat but if you complete about 3-5 chapters in Riley`s story it will unlock Vincent`s story and you can then complete that to get the village.

How do you unlock Vince's Story on Sims Life Stories?

You have to play Reilly's story until you unlock Vince's then you play his for a bit until you unlock free play. It takes time. and its really annoying you have to wait that long. But I didn't create the game. SORRY.

How do unlock rewards in the sims life stories?

just type what rewards y'all want to unlock and just type unlock career rewards and it will unlock the hole career rewards

Can you restart Rileys Story on Sims Life Stories?

yes you can reset the story lines. It means completely resetting them, so no going back. Ok back up your data from my documents files (the sims life stories neighbourhoods noo1) then goto where ever you have installed the game. Go into the TSdata folder then Res then User data. There you will find a folder called neighbourhoods. go into the folder. Copy n001 and paste it to where you deleted it from my documents folder. Now you can start your game overagain. You can do this for Vincents story too. make sure you back up your data before you delete the folder.

How do you get the love spa reward from Story One in the Sims Pet Stories?

It may be like The Sims 2 Life Stories where it depends on which girl you choose to be with at the end of Story Two. I picked Erin so I got a stove. =_= I believe if you choose Rachel, you will unlock the Love Spa. It's either one or the other. No fair, I know.

How do you unlock hiro from super mini puzzle heroes?

To unlock Hiro win story mode as Jenny.To unlock Patrick Star win story mode as Spongebob Squarepants.To unlock Dark Bloom win Story Mode as Bloom.To unlock Pink Ranger win story mode as Red Ranger.To unlock Aang win story mode as Korra.To unlock Jimmy Netron beat story mode as Danny Phantom.To unlock Fanboy and Chum Chum beat story mode as Timmy Turner.To unlock Dudley Puppy beat story mode as Gir.To unlock Private the Penguin beat story mode as Po from Kung Fu Panda.But I dont know how to unlock Master Splinter so you have to figue out the code to unlock him OK?