You must continue the storyline until you complete the Ozzfest gig; this gig has Crazy Train in it and once you beat it with any instrument on any mode, you will unlock the song for freeplay.
crazy train is on guitar hero world tour in the ozzyfest gig
You unlock it at the Ozzfest venue in the career mode, it is just before the encore which is Crazy Train
No, I have used the cheat to unlock all quickplay songs and it is not there.
The only way to get on world tour is to play it on GHMix or in the recording studio
You have to play through career mode to unlock them
crazy train is on guitar hero world tour in the ozzyfest gig
You unlock it at the Ozzfest venue in the career mode, it is just before the encore which is Crazy Train
If you you mean crazy as in crazy train then yes, othwise, there is not a song called "crazy."
It is the encore song in the "Ozzfest" set (the second to last set in guitar mode). Once you beat Mr. Crowley, you play Crazy Train.
Well, you have to do career mode on guitar. And you should have all of them after you beat it.
You can create him.
Unlock it at the 2009 countdown on the Times Square Gig.
u cant and i'm sorry for that
One detaches the guitar neck and two it unlocks or locks the faceplate unlock so you can remove it and put a new one
You cannot sing in Guitar Hero 2. Microphones can only be used in Guitar Hero World Tour, 5, Warriors of Rock, Metallica, and Van Halen.
There are no Led Zeppelin songs nor characters in any guitar hero game to date.
It on one of the last sets in the game.