Go to your apartment in the future and then click on your computer in your files you see a music sheet, play the music sheet on the white piano at the past. Or you can type the cheat to unlock her......
^ To above answer. But how do you play the music? I tried looking it up but I honnestly can't figure out how to play it.
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lunar days sim date chrono days sim date anime days sim date 1.0/2.0/2.5
In Chrono day sim after about the fifth day Teddy comes and takes you back with a working time jumper. Which he gives to you.
Chrono Days Sim Date, By PacthesisCheats:pillshere (2000 HP)fastforward (brings you to last day)coolstorybro ($1000, 2000 HP, and items)itstimeforinflation ($1000)donottrytrainjumpingathome (unlocks Emmet Startford)guyaissecretlyace (unlocks Cole Stratford)screwtherulesihavemoney (unlocks Oz)ohgoditsinfmajor (unlocks Bianca Hayes)Nathan Kinsley - RedheadgingersamedifferenceRoland Churchill- wegotsnakesonaplaneOz - allsimboysarerobotsanywayTeddy Emmick- fanboyofaboybandLandon Emmick- nerdsirldontlookthishandsomeCole Stratford- ddrripoffsftwEmmett Stra - insovietrussiayouhealbandageBianca - doublerainbowprideAll Characters- whatisthisidonteven