Go to your apartment in the future and then click on your computer in your files you see a music sheet, play the music sheet on the white piano at the past. Or you can type the cheat to unlock her......
^ To above answer. But how do you play the music? I tried looking it up but I honnestly can't figure out how to play it.
the tea
lunar days sim date chrono days sim date anime days sim date 1.0/2.0/2.5
In Chrono day sim after about the fifth day Teddy comes and takes you back with a working time jumper. Which he gives to you.
Chrono Days Sim Date, By PacthesisCheats:pillshere (2000 HP)fastforward (brings you to last day)coolstorybro ($1000, 2000 HP, and items)itstimeforinflation ($1000)donottrytrainjumpingathome (unlocks Emmet Startford)guyaissecretlyace (unlocks Cole Stratford)screwtherulesihavemoney (unlocks Oz)ohgoditsinfmajor (unlocks Bianca Hayes)Nathan Kinsley - RedheadgingersamedifferenceRoland Churchill- wegotsnakesonaplaneOz - allsimboysarerobotsanywayTeddy Emmick- fanboyofaboybandLandon Emmick- nerdsirldontlookthishandsomeCole Stratford- ddrripoffsftwEmmett Stra - insovietrussiayouhealbandageBianca - doublerainbowprideAll Characters- whatisthisidonteven
through his stomach
Buy him with $300 using the computer.
I was experimenting and she likes the bouquet ( that would be the gift to give her if you don't know)
Go To Train Station On The Second Day
the tea
Go to the future and buy him for $300 on the computer in the apartment. It will take a few days to get there, I'm not sure exactly how many.
When talking to Bianca, don't comment on her appearance until you have the opinion to at least give gifts to her. Bianca likes to be treated as a human, not a doll. Also, ask about her father (as a human, not about his actions) because he is very dear to Bianca.
in the appartment in the computer
He's in the Laboratory back in the future.
wonderland days
The Alix Plushie (Purple thing) and Candy