Chrono Days Sim Date, By Pacthesis
pillshere (2000 HP)
fastforward (brings you to last day)
coolstorybro ($1000, 2000 HP, and items)
itstimeforinflation ($1000)
donottrytrainjumpingathome (unlocks Emmet Startford)
guyaissecretlyace (unlocks Cole Stratford)
screwtherulesihavemoney (unlocks Oz)
ohgoditsinfmajor (unlocks Bianca Hayes)
Nathan Kinsley - Redheadgingersamedifference
Roland Churchill- wegotsnakesonaplane
Oz - allsimboysarerobotsanyway
Teddy Emmick- fanboyofaboyband
Landon Emmick- nerdsirldontlookthishandsome
Cole Stratford- ddrripoffsftw
Emmett Stra - insovietrussiayouhealbandage
Bianca - doublerainbowpride
All Characters- whatisthisidonteven
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My favorite games of all time are by Pacthesis. My favorite of their games are the "days sim date" series. Look up: Festival days sim date, idol days sim date, chrono days sim date, kingdom days sim date, and wonderland days sim date. I've been playing them for months and still love them!
the tea
lunar days sim date chrono days sim date anime days sim date 1.0/2.0/2.5
In Chrono day sim after about the fifth day Teddy comes and takes you back with a working time jumper. Which he gives to you.