COme first in the star cup which is unlocked by coming 1st 2nd or 3rd in each of flower and mushroom cups
To unlock the Special Cup (it has Rainbow Road) Win the Leaf cup.
finish the star cup in grand prix with at least one star.
(upper buttons) L R L R L L R R A on the cup selection screen
The best way to unlock the special items on Pou is to play the games and take good care of your pet. As you progress through the levels, you will unlock special items.
You have to get every trophy and unlock everything.
you play the star cup 100cc and finish in the top 5 for points
Complete the other three cups on 100cc. You do the same for 150cc as well. Note that you can't unlock the Special Cup for 50cc, since it isn't available for that difficulty.
win the 100cc mushroom cup and flower cup
Beat the 100cc Special Cup.
defeat 100cc star cup which also unlocks 100cc special-beat to get mii outfit a
You unlock her in either a 50cc race or a 100cc race in Special Cup.
Mii outfit A - win 100cc special cup Dry Bones - win 100cc leaf cup Bowser Jr. - Attain at least 1 Star Rank for all 100cc Retro Grand Prix Cups
Just keep playing the grand prix until you unlock something. I've memorized a few unlocking formulas, so here they are:To unlock the Star Cup: Get at least 3rd place or betterin the Mushroom and Flower Cup.To unlock Dry Bones: Unlock the 100cc Leaf Cup.To unlock Daisy: Win the 150cc Special Cup. (Win the Star Cup 150cc to win the Special Cup 150cc)To unlock the Leaf Cup: Win the 100cc Banana Cup.To unlock the Lightning Cup: Win the 100cc Leaf Cup.That's all I know for now. I hope this answered your question! :)
To unlock Mirror Mode, you have to place 1st on every cup in 150cc.
to unlock the special cup is simple. You need to get either 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in all of the tracks you have in Grand Prix! and if you do that on all of them you get a new track such as the special cup! from my own experiance, if you do really good in like the leaf cup and star cup, then sometimes you get a new cart for yoshi, mario, baby mario, peach, and theres a little pink player I have but I don't know her name! GOOD LUCK BECAUSE THE SPECIAL CUP IS HARD! BEWARE OF THE RAINBOW ROAD!!!
Win first place in 50cc,100cc or 150cc special cup
You unlock him by winning the 100cc leaf cup! =-)