this is great news this is how to sell house or unequip it first sell all your house items then buy your house on centaur 21 then sell your old house then buy new house items it works i am very happy because i found a way how to sell houses :-)
i dont how but maybe there is way to do it (lol)
Adventure items are all the normal items such as exp share and repels,...
You don't lose your members items. However, if your bank has more than 68 items in it you will not be able to store anything. If you unequip a member's object you cannot re equip it until you are back on a member's world, and all member's arms and armor will not give any bonuses.
To pick up items, simply move over the item. Other items can be found in chests in caves and in dungeons, which you get by opening the chest.
Usually after two minutes spent in the chao garden the black market will restock on new items.
Cauldron house items are drops from moglinsters in the Candy Shoppe Halloween zone.
You can't lose your items in AQWorlds, except if you drop them.
go to valencia
gold and experience
just don't use mana
yes. 4 items.
There are already there saved
Kill monsters, complete quests and sell items.
Go to your inventory, Click House Items (If ya have any) or hack house item
i think not but if you verify you are guardian at aq you can get cool items at guardian shop
change it to your yahoo mail and you will veryfy it OK
you can get his sword, cape, and i think you could get his armor and helmet.