All of the unban exploits have been patched.
you can't
If your account banned, wait for cless or another staff member to unban you. If your C-Box banned, wait for a mod or admin to unban you.
Unless you are fully banned, like forever then you can't unban yourself. If it is tine limited you have to wait for that amount of time.
You don't unban yourself. Whoever banned you can unban you. What you have to do is appeal the ban.
Only Facebook Page Admin Have This right to Unban or Ban a Person No Other One have these rights to unban their self
All of the unban exploits have been patched.
you can not, Its server side.
you can't
there is no way of unbanning your ea account it happened to me and i just made a new account.
i creating a new program to unban ur acc from warbears pud i will give the progra to da mods too so they can find a cure for it its like a unban day pud onli one Not true It's impossible to un-ban a Warbears account if it was banned forever.XXX
If your account banned, wait for cless or another staff member to unban you. If your C-Box banned, wait for a mod or admin to unban you.
Unless you are fully banned, like forever then you can't unban yourself. If it is tine limited you have to wait for that amount of time.
I wat to transfer my account in vip account
No, you have to have an account to go on facebook.
No he does not have Facebook account
No, he does not have a Facebook account.