you can get a cleaning cloth by buying getting karamaja rum and a cloth and using together to make a cleaning cloth or u can buy 1 from tai bwo wannnai
You need to get karamja rum....use it on a piece of cloth....then use it on the dark bow
The highest hitting bow with the highest DPS in runescape is the Zaryte bow. The bow with the best special attack however, is the dark bow with dragon arrows.
You can dye your dark bow from a minigame called barbarian assault. After you get 50 honor points in any job, talk to the rewards person and pick your color. With your dark bow in your inventory, click the color and it will now dye your darkbow
Crystal bow (fully charged) , Dark bow , Rune C Bow, Chaotic C bow, Magic longbow (sighted), seercul bow .
i thought like updating this whole piece of writing as its out dated and partially wrong so basicly dark bow and crystal bows are slower but dark bow is abit more slower but shoots 2 arrows a time as a crystal bow is only one but with the dbow you spend like 300 k to 400 k and then you need to buy arrows crystal bow has 2500 shots and degrades after every 250 shots so from 10/10 down to eventually 0/0 and to weild it you need to do plauge city biohazard underground pass regicide and roving elves which requires a minimum of 51 agility with summers pie although cry bow gets slightly worse each time and only has 2500 shots but as it requires 70 range it makes it better stats and most people buyiung dark bows use bronze arrows or iron because they dont wanna spend money on arrows but with a crystal bow you spend your money for the best arrows there are even though it doesnt have arrows but if your going to have money then go for cry bow if not go for mage bow over dark bow
You need to get karamja rum....use it on a piece of cloth....then use it on the dark bow
A dark bow is like 249k in runescape.
There is no virtual way to get a free Dark Bow other than killing Dark Beasts for the rare drop.
there isn't a code for dark bow arrow and there called (dragon arrow) ..And the code for a dark bow is 4827 atleaste i think.......good luck leveling =)
Kill dark beasts or just buy it
The highest hitting bow with the highest DPS in runescape is the Zaryte bow. The bow with the best special attack however, is the dark bow with dragon arrows.
You can dye your dark bow from a minigame called barbarian assault. After you get 50 honor points in any job, talk to the rewards person and pick your color. With your dark bow in your inventory, click the color and it will now dye your darkbow
Crystal bow (fully charged) , Dark bow , Rune C Bow, Chaotic C bow, Magic longbow (sighted), seercul bow .
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