

Best Answer

you go in the mine and look for the

lamp then use the black puffle. i hope i helped:)

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Q: How do you turn on the lamp in the mine in club penguin elite penguin force?
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I'm sorry but if you have a club penguin account sign in and take a tour. II U

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you have to click on the blue part on the stone lamp and it will come up

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Go into the hole at the dock with your lamp.

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You can find the fourth egg at the Dojo Courtyard by clicking the entrance lamp

How do you fix the lamp in the mine for the construction worker in club penguin epf ds?

First get flare. Then press him. Then touch the + on the light. There u go!

What do you do in the boiler room in misson three club penguin?

you grab gary lamp then find the power plant and make all 9 circles green

How do you turn the light in the mine on in elite penguin force?

The lamp is just by the entrance to the Pool in the mine, it's not the one by the elevator. You have to click on your whistle and call the black puffle, once you have done this click on it and then click on the lamp! Vwala! I hope this has helped x

How do you turn on the blue lamp on club penguin?

easy. u have to buy it THEN u have to put it in ur house. Hit one of the direction keys on ur key board then its on!

How do you get the lava lamp on Club Penguin?

It is in the furniture catalog, but they rarely sell it. The last time they sold it so far was in July 2008

How do you find a tv in club penguin?

The club penguin TV have be around since a log time it is because of the new catalog so there is no TV'S in club hopefully the TV will comeback again keep an eye out. Thank youOwn experience!