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you don't turn it off

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Q: How do you turn off the giant magnet in club penguin?
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How do you turn off the giant magnet on 'Secret of the Fur' in Club Penguin?

Go to the Roof (using the key), use your wrench on power box then get your paper clip and you will turn off the giant magnet!

How do you turn into a giant penguin on Club Penguin?

Wes cause he is fat

How do you turn the giant machine on in club penguin?

I dont no

How do you get gaint in Club Penguin?

In club penguin you can't become giant but you can download a trainer with features that let you turn huge (other people won't be able to see this).

How do you turn club penguin maney to real money?

You can not turn club penguin coins into real money.

How does your penguin go the coulor gold on Club Penguin?

Sorry to say this but you cant turn gold on club penguin =(

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Coin cheats that still work in club penguin June 12 2009?

Actually there is one! All you do is download Penguin Storm. It has a money maker. Puffle Feeder. Bots. You can turn into anyone famous. Turn giant and more.

On Club Penguin what puffle goes on fire?

On Club penguin the black puffles turn on fire.

How do you get the spring for the broken clock in club penguin?

first while your still in Dr Gs office turn, click on the huge magnet and the password is key then you go to the ice burg and look out in the ocean. Use the magnet to get the spring.

How do you turn on the oven in Club Penguin in your room?

I think you can not turn it on....

How do you turn huge on Club Penguin?

If you want to be huge on club penguin you will have to hack and if you hack they there is a risk of being banned forever otherwords you will have to use club penguin storm