You have to have all of the stealth EPF suit then I believe dance and then you will be a bin
You can get free clothes in club penguin whenever there is a party. Just look for a box, bin, or crate that says FREE! on it and then walk up to the box, bin, or crate and you will receive a free item! Also, you can get free items from the Treasure Chest after you purchase a Club Penguin toy that comes with a code. The Treasure Chest is a series of books that has some of Club Penguin's best clothing that you can get for FREE if you buy a Club Penguin toy.
Bin weevils, panfu, barbiegirls(it counts!!), imvu,zwinky and gaia (but this site is a little dodgy)yeah, bin weevils, Panfu (which are mini virtual pandas! lol!) you could use gaia and imvu and zwinky but you have to download zwinky to be able to play it! xx
If you are not a member on club penguin, the only way to get clothes is from The Treasure Chest, or from parties. When there is a party on Club Penguin, (not an igloo party, but something like a Halloween party or a Christmas party) there will usually be free items. Look around the island for a box, bin, or crate that says FREE! and then walk up to it and you will get a free item. You can only get items from the Treasure Chest if you purchase a Club Penguin toy that comes with a code. You can only purchase these items in real life. The Treasure Chest is a series of books and they have some of Club Penguin's best clothing that is no longer sold in the Gift Shop or Sport Shop catalogs.
i know alot of games where you get tot be an animal this is a list of them in order of my favourite 1st is best: NO download: animal jam (like club penguin only better!) club penguin(a virtual world where you are a penguin) neopet(not really a world but its cool) pet pet park(supports neopets but is a virtual world) bin weevils( your like a bug thing and live in a bin with others) DOWNLOAD( no virus) wolf quest (your a wolf you customize it and you have to survive and build a pack) toon town (your an animal but your walk like a human fight cogs and adopt pets) digimon battle (you have your own digimon and fight other people ok if you like digimon) thanks for reading and i hope you enjoy the games :D
Bin Weevils was actually first! Although Club Penguin has been out for years, bin weevils was made first. It has changed so quickly.
bin weevils is the best with 999,7658 people votingbut club penguin with 999,693
There Is Wooz world Club penguin (Itself) Bin weevils ,Panfu (PANDAS)
bin wevels
club penguin fantage bin weevils
bin weevils is better cos it is free and you do more things on it
no theres no war
Break the Bin Weevil law in club penguin. 5 times equals 60 minutes.
neopets,bin weevils,club penguin
neopets,club penguin,and bin weevils
meet a member and ask him for a bin