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if u r talking about the mission secret of the fur then u go to the ski lodge and into the fishing area. there will b a shadow of the monster. the monster will say stuff about CP being 2 cold and a candle. go to the Pizza parlour and get 1 candle. then go to the lighthouse and get a net from the pile and rope from the boat. join the rope and net together. go back to the ski lodge and go to the back. put the net trap down and it will sling up over the tree. take the candle and put it in the middle of the net. then sit back n wait!

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Q: How do you trap the monster on Club Penguin?
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How do you trap the monster in Club Penguin?

To trap the monster in Mission Five go to the Lighthouse and get the rope and the net, combine them to make a trap. Then go to the Ski Lodge and get the candlestick out of the candlestick holder. Go to where you play Ice Fishing and you will see the monster. Put the trap on a tree and put the candlestick on the trap. Then the crab will come and go into thr trap. After the other part of the monster runs away it leaves some of it's fur behind, pick up the fur and go back to HQ and put it in the Machine you fixed with your spy comb. Find out what the other part of the monster was and you are done with the mission.

Where do you put the candle down in mission 5 on club penguin?

You need to get to the part where you're going to catch the monster. Get a net. Attach it with a rope for a trap. Then, go out back the door of the ski lodge. Put the trap under the tree. Then put the candle on it.