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Once you capture Giratina go to the place where you come out of the disortion world. WARNING YOU MUST BEAT THE ELITE FOUR IN ORDER TO DO THIS!!! go in the cave find your way to the portal that takes you back to the disortion world. once you get to the disortion world walk around until you see a pokeball. in it will be the Griseous orb. its basicaly a lusturous orb but for giratina. let him hold it and he will change form.

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Q: How do you transform giratina?
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Transform Pokemon Giratina in its true form in Pokemon Platinum English?

Pokemon Platinum was released in North America on March 22. Giratina appears in its Origin Forme on the cover of the game as well as in the game itself. It appears in Origin Forme in Distortion World. If you have the Griseous Orb, you can transform it into the Origin Forme outside of Distortion World.

How do you transform Giratina in different forms?

first you catch him in pltinoum then you g to turn back cave where you first saw him in dimaond/pearl then u can go to the distortian world and find an ord (don't remember the name sorry) then yu give it to him to hold and wala you have a giratina orign form

How do you get giratina in pearl?

You can't giratina in pearl, you can only get giratina in Platinum,

Can you transform Giratina in Pokemon Pearl?

no it is IMPOSSIBLE because the greiceous orb on pearl and diamond and it is the same with shaymin you cant get the gracedia flower either and there's no distortion world in diamond and pearl HOPE THIS HELPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-_- *_*

In a battle between Giratina and Mew who would win?

mew. It is the most powerful Pokemon ever plus it can use transform and it could use girantinas own power against it. That's an easy question ;)

Who is stronger Giratina or Kyuren?

Giratina is stronger.

When was Giratina created?

Giratina was created in 2006.

What level does giratina?

you get giratina at level 47 so be ready lol.

What is Giratina's Japanese name?

Giratina's Japanese name is just Giratina. Its Katakana name is ギラティナ.

How does Giratina change forms?

you can find change giratina 1 way or you can find giratina the first way to change giratina is to transfer it to platinum the first way to find giratina is to go to the pillar and it will appear

What level is Giratina at when you catch him?

giratina is at lv 70.

Who is stronger Regigigas or Giratina?

Giratina. Better Stats