

Best Answer
  • First of all, you have to get a USB cable for psp (usually usb cable can be use from any device). And also download a theme Secondly, connect the psp with the camble and the cable with your computer.
  • Then, on PC go to "My Computer" and open the device.
  • There you will find a folder called "psp", open it.
  • There maybe you will find a folder called "Theme".

    If note create it with this name!

  • Paste there the themes.

Now disconnect the psp and go to settings -> Theme Settings -> Theme.

Click it and there you will find the themes. Just click apply!

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Q: How do you transfer themes from PC to PSP?
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When the PSP is in USB mode, it means it is connected to a PC, and the PC can now transfer files onto the PSP's memory card.

How do you transfer wallpapers from PSP to PSP?

put your wallpaper on the memory stick. than take the memory stick out of your and put it in the other psp and go to memory stick under photo and make it your new background. also you can plug it into the computer and transfer it onto the PC then put it on to the other psp by plugging that one into the PC.

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YES. It works the same as a normal psp with video music themes etc. The only difference is that you must download games.

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you just have to go in pictures on your PC connect your psp to youre PC go on your psp in picture and copy it from the PC to the psp

How do you get wallpapers onto PSP?

first of all you have to have : a memory stick, a camera, a computer (LABTOP, PC, etc.) and a PSP First you need to take a picture with your camera... Second you have to make sure it is saved and what you want it to be... Third you get your psp... Fourth stick the memory stick into your PSP... fifth go to Pictures on your PSP... Sixth go to Memory Stick and find the pic... Seventh just click triangle... Eighth just set it as your wallpaper! EASY!

PSP theme downloads for free?

The best place to go is PSP-THEMES.COM its so easy you look for wat u want and click download!!

How do you transfer PSP backgrounds to your PSP?

Put the memory stick in your PSP. Connect the PSP with the PC/Laptop with a USB CABLE. Put the PSP on. Go to USB mode. Now your PC will find the PSP. If everything went good.. you should a directory open or something from the PSP (in fact this is the Memory stick). Make a folder in it and name it PICTURES. Put your pictures, wallpapers etc etc in that folder named PICTURES. You're done. You can disconnect the PSP from the PC/Laptop and go to PICTURES in your PSP menu and find your new pictures. Hope I was helpful.

Do PSP themes work on all PSPs?

YES. You can put the same themes on all models of psp

How do you save themes to your PSP?

Go to the PlayStation Store and search themes, some are free. You MUST do this on the PSP for it to work.

How do you pass games to PSP?

First You Need A USB cable. First Step: Connect your PSP to your PC open removable devices (F) OPEN ISO If your psp version is psp slim or find your other games installed in your psp, Second step: After Finding it, Copy Your Game That Will You Transfer To your Psp After Transferring Open Your Psp And Try it!

Where can you download harvest moon boy and girl for free for PC without viruses?

First off all you can't.... but.... u can transfer your game to PC :). one reason... if it FAILS.... :( I'm sorry, but YOUR psp brokes or ur pc gets virus or ur psp gets a virus.... goodbye for now