You cannot transfer or trade Pokémon from Pokémon Red or Pokémon Blue to Pokémon Ruby, Pokémon Sapphire, Pokémon FireRed, Pokémon LeafGreen or Pokémon Emerald.
Not regions seen in other games, but you can visit some islands that are introduced in the FireRed and LeafGreen games.
Riolu and other 4th generation Pokemon don't exist in previous generation Pokemon games this means it can't be obtained in firered or any game before that.
No the move rock climb didn\'t exist in firered it only became available when diamond and pearl version came out those two games plus any other version after them can have the move rock climb but firered cannot.
The only way to get Teddiursa is to trade from other games. In Firered Teddiursa is found in Altering Cave.
There are no scythers in the wild in Pokemon Pearl. You have to either transfer it from FireRed, or trade it from one of the other DS games.
Trade masterballs from other games to firered.
You have to trade it in from any other Pokemon games like Pokemon FireRed or LeafGreen and transfer it from there. Or find a friend who has Charmander and trade with your friend.
There are no PKMN games on psp and if there are,its hacked or cheated. you can transfer PKMN from FireRed,LeafGreen,Ruby,Sapphire,Emerald on GBA or GBSP to each other or to Coloseum and XD:Gale Of Darkness on Gamecube or Wii but not on/to/from PSP ROM
no, but you can migrate it from other games
No, none of the starter pokémon appear in the wild in Pokémon LeafGreen. You'll have to trade with other games.
No but i think you can trade it from other Pokemon games
no only the other way around
You cannot. You can do this in other games (emerald, red, blue, yellow) but not in FireRed.
You can't catch them, but you can certainly trade them from other games.
Through trading from other games yes.
No sorry you can only get them in other pokemon games