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Q: How do you transfer Pokemon to other games?
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Can you get Pokemon from unova to other games?

Pokemon can not transfer backwards. You can get Pokemon from other games to Unova, but the opposite is impossible.

Can you transfer diamondpearl Pokemon to other Pokemon games?

No Sorry

What does the poke-transfer do in Pokemon Black?

it transfers pokemon from other games, such as diamond/pearl

Can you get the old starter Pokemon on Pokemon Black and White?

You have to transfer from other games so no

Can you transfer Pokemon from other games in to emerald at the beginning of the game?

Yea at Pokemon center up stairs

Can you battle on Pokemon black or white and Pokemon platinum?

yes you can on pokemon w b at the pokemon center there is a globe witch you can transfer pokemon to planim or other pokemon games as long as the pokemon game you are giving to is at the transfer room :D

Where is Pokemon 162 in platinum?

Pokemon 162 is a transfer Pokemon you have to transfer it from one of the game-boy games

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How do you get to pal park in Pokemon LeafGreen?

no you don't go to pal park in any gameboy game of Pokemon. its only for ds games. you transfer Pokemon from the game boy games to the ds games. for black and white you have a poke transfer place you transfer Pokemon from ds games.

How do you get 5th gen Pokemon on other Pokemon games?

unfortunately you can only transfer older Pokemon to black/white. you cannot trade across generations...

What is the best choice in Pokemon on emerald?

If you have legendary's from other games which you like , transfer them when you have beaten the game. Or use pokemon codes and stuff.

How do you get items from other pokemon games to pokemon white?

You can't, the game won't let you transfer items from any other game apart from Pokemon Black or another copy of White.