You can use the Global Trade Terminal in Goldenrod City, but you cannot guarantee that you will get a machoke that is not holding the everstone.
The everstone will prevent it becoming Machamp
You can also use the Union Room or the Wi-fi rooms in the Pokemon Center.
trade it to someone you trust. then trade back. the machoke will become a machamp,
machoke actually evolves when traded so trade with a friend then trade back and you will have a machamp
You cant evolve machoke up by levelling him up. You have to trade to evolve machoke.
to evolve machoke you need to trade it
To evolve a machoke you must trade to a friend that has a fire red or leaf green or ruby or sapphire version your machoke then your friend will receive this machoke and it will evolve into machamp make your friend trade it back to you to have the machamp.
yes if you trade machoke it will evolve
Get a Machoke and trade it with a friend. it will evolve.I recomend getting a Machop next to Oreburgh city at level 6-7.A Machamp is very STRONG but he doesn't have much defense.
You'll need to Link Trade Machoke so it could evolve. Recommended to trade for a Machoke.
machoke evolves if you trade it
There is no in-game trade that involves Machoke. Therefore, you have to trade one with someone else who has the game.
Dude you can't you have to get a machop and trade it then it will evolve into machoke trade it again and you will get a machamo
trade a machop no trade machoke
you have to trade the machoke to get a machamp
trade it to someone you trust. then trade back. the machoke will become a machamp,
machoke actually evolves when traded so trade with a friend then trade back and you will have a machamp
I didnt even know that you can trade from leaf green to diamond. But yes if you trade your machoke you can :D
You cant evolve machoke up by levelling him up. You have to trade to evolve machoke.