You can't but you can sell them. Whenever you get an egg it will have 2 choices keep or sell. If you want to sell it press sell. If you want to keep it press place in habitat. Hope that helped also my game center is odemus
You can't maybe you can if you have jailbreak I think........
you trade eggs.
There is no dragonvale for PC
Yes,you can.
Online is the only way to play Dragonvale!
you don't trade you just give
In the game DragonVale, players cannot directly send eggs to other players. However, players can breed dragons and gift them to friends by placing them in the Cooperative Breeding Cave. This allows friends to use the dragons for breeding in their own parks. Additionally, players can also trade dragons with each other using the in-game trading system.
Finish goals and hatch eggs
for dragonvale its 4 hours
You can't maybe you can if you have jailbreak I think........
No you can't you can only sell
P.S my Game Center is: Jojo-Emma
You either need to breed new eggs in the breeding cave, or buy them in the market.
you trade eggs.
You can breed 2 earth dragons together or you have to spend 75 dragoncash in the eggs section of the market
There is no dragonvale for PC