You can't but you can sell them. Whenever you get an egg it will have 2 choices keep or sell. If you want to sell it press sell. If you want to keep it press place in habitat. Hope that helped also my game center is odemus
There is no dragonvale for PC
Online is the only way to play Dragonvale!
Many people like DragonVale. I honestly love DragonVale.
DragonVale is only available on the iPod Touch, iPad, and iPhone.
It varies
you don't trade you just give
Lava dragon
This will be a crystal dragon.
Crystal dragon
about two hours
No you can't you can only sell
You have to buy it. It is one of the main base dragon.
P.S my Game Center is: Jojo-Emma
You can't but you can sell them. Whenever you get an egg it will have 2 choices keep or sell. If you want to sell it press sell. If you want to keep it press place in habitat. Hope that helped also my game center is odemus
U should wait in till it's done in the egg.
You can't, you just have to wait the desired time. Sorry