If you are throwing snow balls or whatever then I think its the left mouse button. You have to be using it, as in showing in your hand.
The hotkey for throw is the same on mac as pc "q"
If you mean "throw" like with chicken eggs, then no, you can't.
Simply throw it, you may have to throw many before you get a chicken though.
Yes they can and they will always do it when attacking.
When you throw it it will sometimes make a baby chicken.
The hotkey for throw is the same on mac as pc "q"
If you mean "throw" like with chicken eggs, then no, you can't.
Simply throw it, you may have to throw many before you get a chicken though.
Yes they can and they will always do it when attacking.
right click to throw an enderpeal
As many as you are willing to throw away.
Right-click while holding snowballs.
When you throw it it will sometimes make a baby chicken.
Throw it in the furnace just like iron or other ores.
Just hold it and right click (above ground)
So far there is no trading system in Minecraft so all you do is just throw the items on the ground and they can them pick them up.
No. You throw them at a wall and it has a 1/10 chance to spawn a baby chicken.