it happens randomly like a critical hit, but pretty rare. You will know if you threw a critical ball if the ball shakes after the Pokemon is inside and it budges only once.
lol do u know what Pokemon is? xD just weaken a Pokemon and throw a pokeball great ball ultra ball or master ball at him
You can buy them in the Pokemon League Pokemon Center.
You cannot get a Love Ball in Pokémon Black and White.
Yes, you can get the moon ball in Pokemon Black and White, but you have to have an Action Replay Dsi to get it. It isn't like a normal pokeball, you can't catch any pokemon with it, the ball is just an item. List of non-pokeballs: Fast Ball Level Ball Lure Ball Heavy Ball Love Ball Friend Ball Moon Ball Sport Ball Park Ball These are just items, not real pokeballs, so dont expect them to catch any pokemon.
If you throw the ball, and then hold down B and the Down Button at the same time. That generally works
Throw a Master Ball at it.
You cannot do this on your own- you must throw the ball to catch a pokemon.
just weaken the pokemon & throw a poke ball
lol do u know what Pokemon is? xD just weaken a Pokemon and throw a pokeball great ball ultra ball or master ball at him
just throw your master ball away
throw a ultra ball
Masterball, it catches any Pokemon you throw it at, no matter what!
the master ball is for zekrom in white and reshiram in black
throw a master ball
you must get a master ball then find dialga and throw the ball straight away
First you find it and then throw a poke ball at it. (Preferably an ultra ball).
You can buy them in the Pokemon League Pokemon Center.