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First, you have to keep doing jump to your pet then when expert u have to go to the catalog and get the other tricks.

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Q: How do you teach your pet tricks on toontown?
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Where do you get tricks to teach your pet on toontown?

from the catalogue!

Can you teach a rat tricks?

Yes, it is possible to teach a pet rat tricks.

What wow pet is best?

The best pet is a bird its quite you can teach it tricks and teach it how to sing they will always watch you on the computer and they will watch tv

How do you teach your pets tricks on smallworlds?

Yes, you do. You can even teach your pet dance moves if you become a VIP.

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You take out your pet and some treats, then wiggle the treats around your pet. It takes patience and time! :)

How do you teach your pet new tricks at ameba pico?

Actually they learn by themselves, you can teach ricks like stand,sit,dig and etc. Sorry if this wasn't so helpful. But there's lots of wonders! Explore and see what tricks you can do with your pet.

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Are there any games like toontown but with no download needed Toontown?

i would think pet pet park it's

How do you teach your gerbil tricks?

It really depends on what trick you want it to do. As i dont have pet gerbils, i reallycant help. Sorry!!

How do you unlock all bin pet tricks on binweevils?

leave it at home or teach it one trick every day

What can you do with a bunny?

Well, you can't teach them tricks but believe it or not, it's real fun to watch them just be cute! And of course, pet him.

How do you take your pet doodle out in toontown?

You can't.