you have to breed a female skarmory with a male staraptor that knows brave bird
At Lvl. 49.
You must breed it to have Whirlwind.breed a female skarmory with a male pidgey that knows whirlwind (lvl17)but if you want drill peck as well, this is the breed chain:female spearow + male pidgey with whirlwind (lvl17)= male spearow with whirlwind then level up to lvl37 to learn drill peckimportand: it has to be male. do not make it evolve into fearow or it will take longer to teach drill peck (do this by pressing B when it dose the flashy change thing)then with the male spearow breed it with a femaleskarmory =skarmory with drill peck and whirlwind ;0#2500v#
Skarmory can be caught at route 45
Skarmory does not evolve and is not known to have evolved from anything.
Neither Murkrow or Honchkrow are able to learn Brave Bird.
Bravebird was created on 2004-01-20.
Taillow cannot learn Brave Bird. To teach Brave Bird you need to breed Taillow.
Level 49
At Lvl. 49.
No Pokemon evolves into skarmory.
Ah, BraveBird. The best flying type attack, even though it has big recoil damage. Lets see...... These Pokemon learn it through Level Up: Ho-oh= Level 15 Blaziken= Level 49 Starly= Level 37 Staravia= Level 43 Staraptor= Level 49 These Pokemon learn it through breeding= Pidgey Zubat Doduo Murkow Tailow Skarmory (sorry about not listing the fathers for breeding. Bulbapedia is down ATM and i cant check what fathers. -.-')
Skarmory does not evolve.
You must breed it to have Whirlwind.breed a female skarmory with a male pidgey that knows whirlwind (lvl17)but if you want drill peck as well, this is the breed chain:female spearow + male pidgey with whirlwind (lvl17)= male spearow with whirlwind then level up to lvl37 to learn drill peckimportand: it has to be male. do not make it evolve into fearow or it will take longer to teach drill peck (do this by pressing B when it dose the flashy change thing)then with the male spearow breed it with a femaleskarmory =skarmory with drill peck and whirlwind ;0#2500v#
Skarmory cant evolve.
Skarmory does not evolve in this game.
skarmory cannot evolve...sorry dude
Skarmory can be caught at route 45