There is a move tutor in the Frontier Access who will teach ampharos Outrage for 48BP
If you still have the TM/HM, teach it to the Pokemon again. If not, go to the move deleter-- there should be a move tutor there too. I learned through HG/SS though. |D
In Pokemon HG/SS you can unlock a route for your PokeWalker called YellowForest where you can catch only pikachu on the route. You need to have 9500+ steps to get a flying/surfing pikachu, and the chances are slim. You also have a very high chance of catching pikachus that know volt tackle, too. Good luck. If not you can obtain it in Pokemon Colleseum and trade it into your DS game. (Pokemon D/P and Pokemon HG/SS only).
You cannot trade a Pokemon from the 5th generation to the 4th generation or below. Getting Pokemon from Black/White to HG/SS is impossible. You can migrate Pokemon from HG/SS to Black/White though.
There are no PokeBlocks in HG/SS.
I wouldn't know. But you can take a look at my team right now: Typhlosion Noctowl Furret Ampharos Umbreon Lapras
If you still have the TM/HM, teach it to the Pokemon again. If not, go to the move deleter-- there should be a move tutor there too. I learned through HG/SS though. |D
Pokemon moves:Meganium: energy ball, earthquake, aromatheropy, toxicArcanine: fire blast, extreme speed, dragon pulse, rock climbEspeon: physcic, shadow ball, grass knot, hyper beamGyarados: aqua tail, ice fang, stone edge, strengthDragonite: outrage, blizzard, fly, surfAmpharos: thunder, power gem, focus blast, signal beamI want an offensive team, please improve answer making changes below, :)
Pokemon black and white :D
no, you can't
It depends if you like the original Pokemon or the all-new Pokemon but ss and hg have more Pokemon but b/w only have 152 Pokemon, i am glad to help
In Pokemon HG/SS you can unlock a route for your PokeWalker called YellowForest where you can catch only pikachu on the route. You need to have 9500+ steps to get a flying/surfing pikachu, and the chances are slim. You also have a very high chance of catching pikachus that know volt tackle, too. Good luck. If not you can obtain it in Pokemon Colleseum and trade it into your DS game. (Pokemon D/P and Pokemon HG/SS only).
You can't find registeel in Pokemon HeartGold.
You can't go to Hoenn in Pokemon HG/SS.
You may only clone Pokemon in Emerald, but you may own as may of the same Pokemon as you can (bearing storage space in mind). Therefore, you cannot clone Pokemon on "Pokemon Heartgold" (HG) or "Pokemon Soul Silver" (SS).
You cannot trade a Pokemon from the 5th generation to the 4th generation or below. Getting Pokemon from Black/White to HG/SS is impossible. You can migrate Pokemon from HG/SS to Black/White though.
no he does not evolve in Pokemon hg or ss