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Q: How do you talk to treebeard in moshi monster?
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Who is Treebeard on moshi monsters?

in lord of the rings

How to talk to your moshi monster?

You cant.

How to talk to others in moshi monster?

"you can't really talk to monsters."

Can you talk to the moshi monster owners without logging in?


How do you talk in moshi monster in the city?

Your monster likes to be friendly and will automatically talk to other monsters when you are out and about in Monstro City.

How do you talk on moshi monsters in public?

We can't. Your monster will talk whatever it wants to.

How do you talk to members on Moshi Monsters while walking?

Your Moshi Monster will automatically talk to other monsters when out and about in Monstro City.

How do you pock your monster on Moshi Monsters?

to poke your moshi monster click it with your mouse. It will do all sorts of things like talk or tickle it. I once did poke my moshi monster it was when she was angry and it made her even angrier!

How do you speek on moshi monsters?

All you do is click on your monster and then she/he will talk.

How do you make your moshi monster talk?

usually you just click on your monster (that's how I made mine talk) or if there bored they will just talk randomly to get your attention!

How do you reply to your monster on moshi monsters?

I'm sorry but you can't respond to you monster it can only talk to you.

How do you get the 6th screw in moshi monster mission?

Talk to Dustbin Beaver.