There is no camera function on Club Penguin, but you can take a screenshot on a mac computer by pressing Command-shift-3 and take a screenshot on and windows by pressing PrintScreen in the top right corner.
to move around on club penguin you take the mouse and click where you want to go
it takes about a day
Very easy
take the test
Not on the current Club Penguin but I think that they have old Club Penguin on Penguin Chat.
YouTube it ;)
There are 50 pins. But pictures of them all I don't think so. Try some blogs about club penguin they might have pictures of them.
No, you cant steal on club penguin.
Club penguin took your stuff because club penguin stinks and it is hacked by lots of people!!
they ruined club penguin, by letting Disney take over.
you can buy pet frame but u have to be membership
Ice rink
No,not that I know of.But you can save the pictures to your computer in the CP blog instead.
That is passed. There is no way you can play club penguin in 2010. Although there are some club penguin private servers (CPPS) which never update so they take you back in time in club penguin.
not long i have a club penguin my user name is sprinkles98
Happy77 left club penguin because she had to take care of her little children.